Modern energy transportation projects in the context of European energy security protection (Research Article))

: 15-20
Received: January 20, 2018
Accepted: April 16, 2018
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

There has been conducted a complex study of implementation of a modern energy transportation projects to European countries, as well as threats and challenges that are carried out for both European Union

member states and Ukraine. The mentioned issue has become urgent due to the fact that the availability of natural resources is considered by individual countries, in particular, Russia, not as a commodity, but as a significant political leverage for the European countries that are currently dependent on Russian gas supplies.

The author highlights political dimension of the implementation of European energy transport projects as a combination of both objective and subjective factors of global, regional and local dimensions, which influence the process of energy reforms of each EU member state, including Ukraine.

It has been concluded that the European Union is a leader of renewable energy in the world and intends to be a flagship in the creation and implementation of modern and innovative energy technologies. As for the new gas supply projects, it is worth noting that the construction of the above-mentioned Streams is, first of all, Russia's trump card against Ukraine, and Russians use it well, because they understand that remaining without transit of natural gas, Ukraine will lose about $ 2 billion annually. Construction of such gas pipelines puts Europe in direct dependence on Russia for another 20-30 years. And Russia will continue to manipulate the interests and objectives of the European Union.

Security of energy supply is very relevant for Ukraine, especially in the context of the next energy crisis at the end of February 2018. Acknowledging current challenges that face our state, Ukraine must build its own energy security system taking into account the priorities of national interests and maximizing building upon its own potency.

Effective implementation of the energy efficiency programs will enable Ukraine to build an independent energy policy and will improve the domestic economy in the international arena.

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