Threats and Challenges to the Visegrad Four Energy Security in the Context of the “Nord Stream-2” Gas Pipeline Realization: Determinations for Ukraine (Research Article)

: 30-35
Revised: March 18, 2019
Accepted: April 18, 2019
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

         The energy security state of the Visegrad Group member states in the context of the implementation of the “Nord Stream-2” gas pipeline has been analyzed. The Visegrad Four countries positions regarding the realization of the gas project initiated by the Russian Federation have been considered. It has been clarified that the “Nord Stream-2” pipeline construction is a threat to energy security not only for the Visegrad States but also for the European Union. Ukraine will lose both the revenue from the transit of natural gas and also geopolitical leverage, with the commissioning of this project.

“Nord Stream-2” is a challenge for both the Energy Union and the concept of a single voice in EU energy policy, as it contributes to the split between the Association member states positions.

 It has been concluded that “Nord Stream-2” is not only a business project in the reference frame; Russian projects of gas streams have the additional dimensions of corruption, in particular, and of military influence mainly. It completely falls within the polyhebression technology – the multifrontal, multidimensional aggression of the hybrid type carrying out by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the West, using non-military tools, among other things. The prospect for the Visegrad Group countries energy security is the Polish project “Northern Gate”, which provides for the possibility of the withdrawal of Norwegian gas to Central Europe. This project is lobbied by the V4 as it meets the strategic interests of the organization and the EU Energy Community, including Ukraine.

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