The Role of Emotional Intelligence in the System of Main Competences of the Manager

: pp. 63 - 69
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Variability of the external environment, instability, active use of information systems, which accelerates access to information and requires rapid processing of data — all these have influence on the emotional state of modern managers at different levels of government, their subordinates, the relationship between them, the moral and psychological climate in the team. communication processes, etc. Therefore, it is safe to say that human success today depends not so much on cognitive intelligence as on emotional: the ability to cope with their own emotions, manage them, feel the emotions of others, change them, while improving business relationships, communications, performance tasks, etc.

Emotional response skills, the ability to manage one’s emotions, to pass them on to those around you today are consolidated a single name “emotional intelligence” (EQ). Under it, we propose to understand the structure of personality abilities, which is based on subconscious or consciously acquired baggage of knowledge and mental intelligence, aimed at recognizing their feelings and emotions, feelings and emotions of others, tracking them and managing them, forming and changing them to achieve goals or tasks both own and collective.

The article considers the essence of emotional intelligence, in particular the interpretation of this category by its main researchers, the model of emotional intelligence that reflects its components (self- awareness, self-management, social interaction and relationship management), scope and sphere of influence (“I”, “you” and " we“). The difference between the concepts of “competence” and “expertness” is pointed out, as well as the place of emotional intelligence or competence as its component in the system of other key competencies of a modern manager. The relationship between emotional intelligence and other managerial skills is shown. In particular, attention is drawn to the fact that EQ is not only one of the elements of the basic list of key skills of the manager, but also the basis for their implementation. Tips on the development of emotional intelligence of the manager, based on his classification, which also reflects the level of his growth.

Summarizing and comparing the information, we can conclude that EQ plays an important role in ensuring the successful professional activity of the manager and in the development of his other key competencies.

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