
Innovative impressions of historical memory in philosophical and religious ideas: controversies of harmonization

In order to elaborate on this topic, the works of Ukrainian thinkers (60s of XIX — 70s of XX c.) are analyzing (Orest Novуts’ky, Olexy Kozlov, Nicholas Berdyaev, Sergey Bulhakov, Metropolitan Ilarion (Ohijenko), Patriarch and Cardinal Joseph Slipyj). The idea of God in the structure of man and Universe, the idea of interaction of good and evil, light and darkness become the object of our research. On the basis of the universal model «now—once» and the universal relation «God—man-God» the historical memory as an interdisciplinary space is considered.

The cogerent concept of truth in the modern humanitarian and scientific knowledge (to the problem of interrelation between natural scientific and humanitarian scientific knowledge)

The problem  of the relation  of science and  humanitarian and  scientific knowledge  is regarded  as one of central problems  of modern epistemology  and philosophy  of science.  This article  describes three  most common  approaches (positions)  in relation to the resolution of the problem. The first one, a  traditional position, gives priority to the methodology  of natural sciences. The second position is based on the neo-Kantian tradition and claims priority to the humanities. The third one, “moderate” position, rejects two first absolute positions. 

The legal nature of truth

The article examines the truth with philosophical and legal perspective. In epistemology truth right primarily understood as a process of knowledge of the truth, each of the stages of which can give only relative truth. Fixing some point in the cognitive process as absolutely true suspends the process and turns the truth into a lie because of a mismatch the new conditions and circumstances. It is ignored on this epistemological circumstances built absolutisation positivists significance norms of the law.

Moral and phenomenological character nature of law

The article deals with the moral nature of law as a social phenomenon that is a complete harmonious formation, because its most important task is to consolidate and combine those parts of the integrated world of the society and man which are being destroyed. Under the natural and legal approach law is analyzed as justice, perfection, and truth.

Philosophical and legal understanding of the category of intuition by the philosophers of XVII century

The paper investigates the category of “intuition”, its historical and philosophical traditions, comparative legal analysis of the understanding of the concept of different philosophers of the XVII century, etc.