
Eco-Friendly Bamboo-Based Composites

The study focuses on obtaining bamboo-based composite materials and new environmentally friendly binders with different degrees of silylation (15-35%) at different pressures and temperatures. The synthesis was carried out using silylated polystyrene (poly[trimethoxy(4-vinylphenethyl)] silane) and styrene as a binder and reinforcing agent in the presence of organic/inorganic additives, antioxidants and antipirene.

Синтез амінонафтохінонів з просторово екранованим фенолом

The synthesis method of 1,4-naphthoquinone with hindered phenol substituent have been proposed. Aminoderivatives of 2-chloro-3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-phenyl)-1,4- naphthoquinone were obtained. Structure of compounds was confirmed using spectral data. Запропоновано метод одержання 1,4-нафтохіну з просторово екранованим фенольним замісником. Одержано амінопохідні 2-(3,5-ди-трет-бутил-4-гідроксифеніл)-3-хлоро-1,4- нафтохінону. Підтверджено їх будову та наведено спектральні характеристики. 

Синтез гетероциклів на основі халкону з просторово екранованим фенолом

The synthesis method of six-membered heterocycles with hindered phenol substitutent have been proposed. New pyrimidinyl-thione,  pyrimidinylamine, pyranylidenyl with 2,6-di-thert-butylphenol fragment were obtained. Structure of compounds was confirmed using spectral data. 
Запропоновано  метод  одержання  шестичленних  гетероциклів  з  просторово екранованим  фенольним  замісником.  Одержано  піримідинілтіон,  амінопіримідиніл  та піраніліденіл  з 2,6-ди-трет-бутилфенольним  замісником.  Підтверджено  їх  будову  та наведено спектральні характеристики. 

Drying of Antioxidant Composite Materials based on Table Beet

Reduction in the cost of energy in the food industry is an important challenge today due to increased prices. Drying process of plant material refers to the complex energy-intensive processes. Solution of this problem is the development of drying methods that would reduce energy consumption by the process. In the drying of plant material, another major factor is the quality indicators of the finished product, which depend mainly on the drying technology.