Testing of the Random Codes Generator of Embedded Crypto Protection System

: pp. 70 - 75
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department, Software Department

The goal of the publication is to test the random codes generator of the built-in crypto-protection system

Following the list of critical technologies in the production of weapons field and military equipment (following the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30.08.2017 No. 600-r), an embedded microcontroller system for the protection of information for on-board equipment has been developed. A valuable stage of the system introduction is its research and testing. One of the stages of testing is the verification of the generator of random codes to use for the generation of encryption keys and digital signatures.

Based on the previous works and research of the Kalyna algorithm, methods and tools for creating a random code generator have been studied to use in the built-in cryptographic data protection system for data encryption/decryption and for working with a digital signature. Means of checking generated random codes and comparing them with existing counterparts have been developed.

The purpose of this article is to check the generator of random codes before using it in the built-in information protection system.

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