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B. S. Puzanov
B. S. Puzanov
Lviv Politecnic National University
12, S.Bandery str., Lviv
Articles published in Academic Journals of Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
The average height of the surface and its application for vertical planning and calculation of volumes
Volume 1, 1964
Determination of the volumes of excavation using photodetolite images using a "horizontal grid" of trapeziums
Volume 3, 1965
Selection of dwellings and photography bases in phototheodolitic photography
Volume 7, 1968
Selection of the basic parameters of terrestrial stereoscopy in determining deformations of the sides of quarries
Volume 28, 1978
Estimation of precision of calculation of volumes on phototheodolite snapshots
Volume 47, 1988
Determination of the coordinates of transformation points by stereopairs of photodetolithic images
Volume 53, 1992