Publishing Ethics Regulations on Publishing Ethics and the Avoidance of Unscrupulous Publishing Policies
Every author, editor and publisher should adhere to the ethics of publishing policy in accordance with the ideology of the scholarly metric databases in order to avoid misconduct. The editorial board of Series Information Systems and Networks of Herald of Lviv Polytechnic National University publishes the “Regulations on Publishing Ethics and Avoidance of Unscrupulous Publishing Policies” following the principles, requirements and recommendations of the International Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).
Decision on publishing an article
Decision on publishing the article in Journal Computer Design Systems. Theory and Practice, Lviv Polytechnic National University (hereinafter CDS Journal) is made by the editor based on the criteria for evaluating the article by reviewers and members of the editorial board including the importance of the results, the originality of the study, the quality of material presentation and the correspondence of the profile of the publication. The state of editorial policy, the academic integrity of authors and reviewers are subjected to constant monitoring and in case of revealing the facts of non-compliance with the publishing ethics the editor takes measures to eliminate the shortcomings.
The editor, members of the editorial board and other staff members involved in the publication of CDS Journal are obliged not to disclose any information about the reviewed article to anyone other than the authors of the article, reviewers, potential reviewers and publisher.
Conflicts of interests in violation of copyright laws
The submitted materials written by the authors of the article may not be used in the research by the editor or members of the editorial board without the written consent of the author. The authors must report to any cases of copyright infringement and publish a correction if a conflict of interests in violation of copyright laws has been discovered after the publication of the article. The editor takes the responsibility for resolving any conflicts of interests as concerned the violation of copyright laws. Suggestions of authors, readers, reviewers and members of the editorial board regarding ways of improving the publication are important for the editor.
Role in editorial making-decisions
The conclusions of the reviewers are advisory information for the editor and the editorial board for making editorial decisions. Sent to the author, the recommendations of the reviewers may help the author to improve the article. The editor applies review methods that contribute to (by far the best) obtaining objective assessments of professional experts and correspond to the profile of the journal. The review methodology is periodically revised in order to make the necessary improvements. The reviewers are bound to determine the originality of the results obtained, clarify the availability of text borrowings and self-plagiarism, and incorrect citation design. The editor considers the reviewers’ significant contribution to publishing ethics and prevention of unscrupulous publishing policies.
The information about the articles sent by the authors must be confidential. During the review process the articles sent to the journal remain anonymous. The research findings or ideas that reviewers get acquainted with reviewing the article remain confidential and can not be used for their personal purposes.
Standards of objectivity
The editor invites highly qualified reviewers for the review process; s/he monitors their activities and takes necessary action to ensure high standards of review. The review is carried out objectively, honestly, impartially and on time. Reviewers are obliged to express their opinions clearly and with appropriate arguments, recommendations for improving publication. The articles are addressed to experts reviewing them with an appropriate level of qualification and relevant field of scientific interests. Articles of the members of the editorial board are also recommended for publication only after obtaining an objective and unbiased assessment of the reviewers.
Confirmation of sources
Reviewers must check the absence of borrowings from published works used by the authors without reference. Any remark that the results or conclusion have already been published must be accompanied by an appropriate reference to the publication. Reviewers must also pay attention of the editor to any similarity or partial coincidence between the reviewing article and any other published article that reviewers are personally acquainted with.
Requirements for submission of research materials
Authors must send their original research materials and use references to any previously published materials. Basic data must be presented correctly and accurately in the article. The article must be well structured and contain a sufficient amount of references. The presence of unscrupulous or inaccurate allegations in the article testifies to violations of norms concerning academic integrity. The requirements for submitted articles contain detailed and regularly updating information on their design and content.
Data Access
The editor takes all possible measures to select articles of high quality to be published. Decisions on compliance with the style of articles to be published in CDS Journal are made on the basis of factors that enhance the quality of the presentation concerning research results (e.g. introduction of structured annotations). It is possible to appeal to the authors of the articles with a request to provide the editorial board with all the original data used (writing the article) for a certain period of time after publication.
Originality and plagiarism
The authors must guarantee the absolute originality of their articles. Using works and / or research results belonging to other scientists, it is necessary to provide a properly designed reference to them and quotes should be presented correctly and verbatim in quotation marks referring to the originals. Mistakes, inaccurate statements and assertions that are unreliable should be corrected promptly and with adequate elucidation. The editor encourages and is ready to take into account argumentative reviews of articles published in CDS Journal. Authors have opportunity to respond to comments on articles.
Repeated or concurrent publications
The authors are obliged not to send articles published earlier to the editorial office. Authors must not publish articles describing the same research in several different journals or conference proceedings. Sending the same article to several different journals and similarly the same thesis at the conference evidences the unethical behaviour of the author.
Authorship of the article
Authorship must be restricted to those individuals whose contribution to the development of the concept, structure, execution and obtaining the research results presented in the article is significant. Only these individuals must be listed as co-authors. The author being in correspondence with the editorial office must ensure that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the article agreeing to publish it.