
In order to successfully register, the author should fill out a registration form. To send the completed form to the e-mail address together with abstract of the presentation.

Name and Surname






Type of the presentation


Title of presentation





Participation in the conference is free of charge.

Authors of abstracts of original scientific works reflecting the results of scientific research, methods of synthesizing new compounds or materials, and the outcomes of scientific investigations are invited to participate in the conference. Conference participants will have the opportunity to present their work online (using the Microsoft Teams platform) or offline at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Forms of participation in the conference:

Oral presentation (online or offline) - 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers. The schedule for presentations will be announced closer to the conference date.

Poster presentation - 5 minutes for the presentation and time for questions and answers. Poster presentations will take place after the oral presentations according to the schedule, which will be announced closer to the conference date.

Participation without presentation (only publication of abstracts in the proceedings).

Abstracts will be published in an electronic proceedings collection in PDF format. The abstracts collection will be distributed to participants after the conference and will also be posted on the conference website.