The article presents experimental studies of the adsorption capacity of zeolite in relation to Cu2 + and Сr3 + ions in a column type apparatus. The comparison of theoretical calculations and the results of experimental studies of the process of compatible adsorption of copper and chromium ions on zeolite in dynamic conditions was presented. Experimental data of dynamics of adsorption of ion of cuprum and chromium zeolite in a column type apparatus were presented. The exhaustion time and breakthrough time for different sorts at different bed depth have been set. The analysis of experimental data showed that the experimental and theoretical curves coincide at the initial moments of time, but due to the high porosity of the granular layer (0.3), the solution is rapidly filtered through a sorbent layer and the period of protective action of the sorbent is almost equal to the time of breakthrough. This process is described by the model of ideal displacement. At the output of the layer copper and chromium ions appear not at the same time. Copper ions appear with late after the appearance on the way out of the zeolite layer of chromium ions. For example, for a fixed-bed height of 5 sm, the chrome breakthrough was observed for approximately 20 minutes, while the copper breakthrough was only after 50 minutes. These data confirm the results obtained earlier regarding the static of the simultaneous absorption of two ions. The presence of copper ions prevents the absorption of chromium ions. This phenomenon was also observed during co-absorption in fixed-bed of natural zeolite. At first the process of copper adsorption accompanied with displacing of chromium ions from the zeolite layer takes place and chromium ions first of all appear at the outlet of the column. The principal technological scheme for separating a mixture of heavy metal cations for the continuous purification of waste water was developed. The results of studies the sorption capacity of zeolite in relation to copper and chromium ions from a single component solution, as well as their simultaneous adsorption, indicate the possibility not only of their absorption to wastewater treatment but also the possibility of their chromatographic separation. As is known, this method uses generally in analytical chemistry for the purpose of separating of individual components and their definition both quantitatively and qualitatively. The studies were carried out by us indicated the possibility of chromatographic separation of the mixture of chromium and copper ions with the application of natural zeolite in fixed-bed columns. Our studies allow us to propose a technological scheme for such a process, which, for continuous sewage treatment, should consist of two adsorbers. Other methods of application of these components can be based on technologies developed and described in the literature.
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