Realization of aims of steady development is in context of public management from position of bioethics

Danylo Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Problem setting. It is considered the necessity to integrate the principles of bioethics in the projects of United Nations (hereinafter UN) to transform the world, since the Sustainable Development Summit of this organization adopted the Sustainable Development Goals as a priority task for governments and countries around the world from 2015 to 2030, the implementation of which will ensure a higher stage of development to a number of poor countries and a qualitatively new standard of living to human society as a whole. This organization helps third world countries to overcome problems with drinking water, food shortages, unequal, access to education, work, property, etc. However, public administration authorities should emphasize the problems of the value and dignity of human life, which should be respected and protected from the moment of fertilization to natural death.

Recent research and publications analysis. Currently, the attention of both the scientific community and practitioners has been paid to the study of the implementation of sustainable development goals in the context of public administration in Ukraine. The Ukrainian researchers N. Horshkov, N. Walker, S. Kubiv, E. Libanova, S. Kuibida, M. Bilynska, V. Hoshovska, L. Pashko and others studied various aspects of this issue. Nevertheless, the issue of their implementation into the system of public administration on the basis of bioethics requires further investigations and elaboration considering the priority of Ukraine's integration into the European community and launching the course on the implementation of sustainable development goals.

Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Overall, Sustainable Development Goals have proven to play a positive role in the third world countries, but these projects would have a positive impact on public morals, which could lead to certain changes.

The paragraph 2 of the SDG deals with overcoming hunger and developing agriculture. The very formulation of these goals is quite noble, but the public administration authorities need to develop a mechanism that will ensure the control of sowing seed and mineral fertilizers to increase yields.

Paragraph 3 is responsible for good health and well-being, but in terms of medical support, public authorities should pay attention to such issues that contradict the principles of bioethics: contraception, abortion, euthanasia, artificial insemination, the use of abortive materials, an unethical method of conducting birth control, which can cause fatal consequences, etc. All these actions are regarded as direct threat to life and health of the nation, primarily its spiritual component.

Therefore, bioethics should be given a leading role in the field of medicine. All actions must be consistent with ensuring the dignity, integrity and inviolability of human life. Particular control requires the implementation of paragraph 5 of the SDG, which deals with the so-called “gender equality”.

It is necessary to introduce such innovations that extend women’s rights, provide them with the opportunity of equal access to education, work, decent wages, etc. However, from the standpoint of bioethics, it should be emphasized that Ukrainians are traditional ethnic group, which is inherently respectful of the family institution, as well as such meaningful concepts for each person as “mother-father”, “man-woman”, etc.

Tendencies of a morally unacceptable model as “relative 1 and relative 2” instead of parents and partners instead of "male-female" tandem, and the “freedom” of LGBT-communities are dangerous because they neglect the traditional institution of the family for Ukrainians and they are considered to be direct threat for the family. The use of all other items of the SDG in state-building processes is positive, because they concern the preservation of ecology, resources and the development of society.

Paper main body. In order to attract public attention to the issues covered in the article, it is necessary to define priorities correctly. Positive changes, which undoubtedly follow the implementation of the UN program for the transformation of the world, Ukrainian society should reconsider its moral and ethical criteria.

The world is moving in the direction of inevitable global processes leading to the elimination of borders between states, national and mental differences, allowing many people in remote regions of poor countries to get education, comprehensive medical care, clean water, ecological food, safe renewable energy.

This is certainly very significant, but there is another side of the issue. However, taking positive experience, the most important thing is not to lose your national identity, high moral and spiritual values. It is necessary to create conditions under which the implementation of the SDG in Ukraine will be safe and beneficial for the whole society. Such algorithms are always the result of cooperation.

UN projects are based on democratic principles which currently require reconsideration due to the general demoralization, Islamization of European countries and others. The obvious factor is that a number of countries, namely, Great Britain, Germany, and France are experiencing an influx of migrants, and the benefits of multiculturalization of the European community still to be proved.

Ukrainians are one of the oldest nations, whose spirituality is an invaluable resource; therefore, it is so important to gain, not to lose from cooperation.

Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Specific suggestions have been made to public administration at those points where the implementation of sustainable development goals requires the principles of bioethics. Any changes in society should serve to a personality and, consequently, must be coordinated with the principles of bioethics.

Perspectives for further investigations in this direction. Public administrators need to involve social institutions represented by reputable bioethics specialists, scientists, doctors, community volunteers, in which the implementation of the sustainable development goals on the principles of bioethics will be safe and beneficial for society.

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