
Ensuring the functioning of society in activities of public authorities under the legal regime of martial law

Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the study of the activities of local self-government bodies during the period of martial law in ensuring the functioning of society, characterization of the concept, competence and features of local self-government bodies, and types of local self-government bodies. The article examines the scientific and regulatory approaches to defining the most important functions of local authorities, in particular, ensuring the constitutional rights and security of citizens.

The phenomenon of justice as a legal value: scientific discourse of modern understanding

The article clarifies the determining features of justice as a legal value through the prism of modern legal understanding. It is noted that justice is one of the most important problems of our time, which reflects the extremely complex dialectical processes of the legal development of global society. As a value, it forms the worldview attitudes of society, people's vision of their future, their eternal aspirations for harmony and perfection of social relations. And also allows to comprehensively understand the meaning and content of modern processes of state and law-making.

Legal awareness and the national idea are the basis of a stable state and legal development of society

It was found that the basis of the Ukrainian national idea, among other factors, is the formation of a law-abiding citizen with a legitimate vector of personal development. We see that even during the war, Ukrainians try to control compliance with the rules of law and the law. The active activity of all law enforcement structures to ensure law and order and prevent illegal behavior of citizens shows the society's desire for lawful, civilized development even in the crisis-transitional period of the nation's existence.

Aggression and violence: philosophical and legal correlation of definitions

In the article, on the basis of available scientific approaches, the philosophical and legal correlation of the definitions of "aggression" and "violence. It is noted that aggression is organically connected with violence and is its natural basis, as for human society - social matter is based on the natural environment, in particular, living matter, in which aggression is a mandatory attribute. However, aggression as a phenomenon is not identical to violence, just as living matter and social matter are not identical.

Valuable guidelines of law in the formation of human behavio

The article defines the impact of value orientations of law on the formation of human behavior through the prism of the main concepts of legal understanding. It has been found that the nature of legal values occurs in several alternative axiological approaches, of which the most well-founded are the objectivist and subjectivist concepts. Thus, the first determines that values exist objectively, that is, regardless of the subject's consciousness, and he only correctly or incorrectly evaluates them and applies them in everyday life.

The terminological interaction «aggression-aggressiveness» in the philosophical and legal discourse

The article conceptualizes the essence of aggression as a philosophical and legal phenomenon and reveals the specifics of the terminological interaction "aggression-aggressiveness". The distinction between the concepts of "aggression" and "aggressiveness" indicates that, on the one hand, not all aggressive actions of the subject are actually based on the aggressiveness of the person as a trait, on the other hand, the aggressiveness of a person does not always manifest itself in clearly aggressive actions.

Individual and social constants of identity: philosophical and legal modeling of their interaction

The article outlines meaningful priorities that reveal the essence of identity, in particular, individual and social constants of identity are highlighted by means of philosophical and legal modeling of their interaction. It has been proven that the concept of identity has the potential of one of the most powerful concepts in today's globalized society. The phenomenon of identity is a unique prism through which the main spheres of human existence are understood, analyzed and interpreted.

Digitalization and its role in ukrainian enterprise activities

This article examines the concept of digitalization and its implementation at an enterprise in order to increase its competitiveness on the market. A content analysis of the term “digitalization” was carried out. Under his own vision of the term “digitalization” is understood the process of using, systematizing, and processing incoming information in a digital format and as a result of improving customer service in the business environment.

Religion and law: mutual influence and interconnection. Section two.

The article is devoted to the recognition of the impossibility of the disappearance of the phenomenon of religiosity in society and the obvious facts of the influence of religion on the processes of formation and development of law.

An analysis of many historical sources convincingly states that religion itself is in fact a spiritual cradle right.