Scientific and methodological culture as a factor in the development of public sphere in Ukraine

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Problem statement. Modern Ukraine, which carries out the public management modernization, faces challenging tasks, both practical and theoretical. To solve them, it is necessary to make an in-depth theoretical substantiation and refer to the semantic foundations of the development of modern civilization. It is particularly important in current circumstances, when the Russian Federation, along with military aggression, wages a semantic or ideological and methodological war, i.e. a struggle for consciousness, awareness and an adequate attitude of people to real processes. The problems of the Covid-19 pandemic, in particular issues concerning its nature, ways to control it and need for vaccination, have become a separate direction in this hybrid war.

Therefore, an important social task of modern science is the need to develop among the representatives of the public sphere a fair understanding of complex transformation processes and civilizational values and the ability to substantiate their actions with the proven achievements of science and practice. In our view, this task focuses on the definition, dissemination and observance of scientific and methodological culture.

Presentation of basic material. It has been determined that the consideration of scientific and methodological culture provides for it to be distinguished from the general context of culture as a partial manifestation of the general achievements in the development of natural and social opportunities. The scientific and methodological culture of public sphere outlines the level of assimilation, understanding and practical implementation of the best practices of successful modernization of society. It performs a number of socially significant functions, which include analytical, critical, conceptual (substantiation) and strategic functions. The use of these functions constitutes a required basis for the effective social development and achievement of a high level of public trust and understanding.

The basic feature of the theoretical and methodological culture is its rationality, knowledge and understanding of reality, which is structured on three levels: semantics, syntax and pragmatics. The presented logical structure of theoretical and methodological culture includes vertical and horizontal sections and demonstrates the unity of these three levels and their implementation through the specified functions. Its content includes a set of reasonable values ​​that act as a factor in further development.

Another important aspect of considering the scientific and methodological culture is setting it apart from various forms of pseudo-culture, denial of various types of historical myths, prejudices, pseudo-facts, fakes, ideologemes, etc.

Conclusions and suggestions relate to the need for further analysis of specific forms of scientific and methodological culture, substantiation of the ways of its formation and implementation in the public sphere open to modernization.

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