Legacy of the World Educational Space and Its Influence on the Interaction of Education and Culture

: pp. 7 - 14
Received: October 03, 2018
Revised: April 10, 2018
Accepted: October 30, 2018
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyzes interaction of the educational system and culture during the process of world educational space development. Versatile influence of the world educational space on the creation of a new educational and cultural reality, in which take place self-realization of the individual, enhancement of the dialogue of cultures and preservation of national and cultural peculiarities is theoretically grounded. The emphasis is on the role and significance of the world educational space for the modernization of the European system of higher education and the change of educational and cultural paradigms.

It was determined that the formation of the world educational space, as space of culture and education, was the result of global integration processes in the modern world and constructive multi-purpose interstate cooperation in the field of education. Different educational systems, having national-state and cultural identity, integrate on certain, commonly recognized and accepted by all sides single principles of educational activity. It facilitates the updating of educational systems with distinct traditions in the field of education and culture, the variability of the forms of interaction between states and institutions providing a range of educational services, the implementation of the necessary innovations for optimization and organization of the educational process on a humanistic democratic basis. As a result, modern world education becomes an international, multicultural, competitive, developing the ability of a person, regardless of his place of residence, basic educational level, cultural characteristics and identity, to evaluate phenomena from the standpoint of other people, cultures, state and socio-economic models.


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