: pp. 140-146
Lviv State University of Life Safety
Lviv State University of Life Safety
Ukrainian National Bar Association
Politechnika Częstochowska
Comenius University Bratislava

Strategic environmental assessment is an effective tool for improving the level of environmental safety in various areas. The purpose of the article is to identify and classify the main tasks of strategic environmental assessment in subsoil use, taking into account its role and functions in the subsoil management system, and to suggest ways to improve environmental safety in subsoil use by means of strategic environmental assessment. The materials for the article were the results of many years of  authors' research on various aspects of the methodology for assessing the environmental safety of subsoil use and scientific source analysis. The main research methods were comparison, deduction, analysis, synthesis, and classification. The authors grouped the tools of the strategic environmental assessment into five main groups: analytical, organisational, scientific and technical, control and procedural, and media. Analysis of the legal framework determines the need to finalise the draft of the Subsoil Code to take into account the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Strategic Environmental Assessment" in the context of carrying out state examination and assessment of reserves and resources of minerals and establishing conditions for mineral raw materials, drafting industrial development (technological scheme) of the deposit. The classification of the tools of strategic environmental assessment in subsoil use is carried out. Analysis of draft legislation in the field of subsoil use shows positive changes in achieving sustainable development goals. Simultaneously, the authors identified some inconsistencies between different legislative acts and projects.


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