Instruction to authors


Manuscripts of the articles should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Myroslav Malyovanyy by e-mail:

The content of the manuscripts must correspond to the scope of the journal and be written in English in a clear and concise manner. Manuscripts which are not written in fluent English will be rejected automatically without review.

Authors are fully responsible for the content of their published materials. Also authors are asked to make sure that issues about publication ethics, manuscript structure, figures and references format have been appropriately considered.

All articles are checked for plagiarism in the system. Any kind of plagiarism is unacceptable.


Manuscripts have to be submitted in MS Word format. Figures, schemes, equations and tables must be inserted in the manuscript. Each manuscript should be typed on A4 (210x297 mm) paper size with the following margins: 18 mm on the left, 25 mm on the right, 20 mm on top, 27 mm below. Font – Times New Roman, size 10.5, 1.1 space interval, indent 1. All pages must be numbered, starting from the title page.

Manuscript’s text should be arranged in the following order: Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental part (Teoretical part, materials and methods), Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if necessary), References.

Abbreviations and uncommon symbols should be explained at the first mention. List of abbreviations is possible.

The bulk of the article script: 6 – 10 pages of the А4

Title and authors:

  • Title of the article should be typed in capital letters (size 12) and be concise and informative; avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
  • Full first and family names of all coauthors; where the name may be ambiguous (e.g. a double name), please indicate this clearly.
  • Authors’ affiliation addresses; provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name
  • ORCID of all authors
  • e-mail of the coauthor to whom the correspondence is to be sent

Abstract should be concise and factual, of not more than 250 words. It should briefly reflect all aspects of the study, as most databases list mainly abstacts.

Keywords (not more than 5-6) should represent content of the whole article and be characteristic of the terminology used within the particular field of study. Avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, “and”, “of”’). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible.

Introduction should be brief and clear and needs to include relevant references followed by an objective of the research.

All materials and methods by which the results were obtained should be described in Еxperimental or basic theory part. Subsections should be numbered 2.1. (then 2.1.1., 2.1.2…), 2.2. may be used.

Results and Discussion. Results should be presented with clarity and precision. The Discussion should interpret the findings in view of the results. Also here subheadings may be used. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. Please move any detailed description of equations or methods to the experimental section (theoretical part).

Conclusions should emphasize the main achievements of this work, underline their significance and give examples of their possible application.

Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be brief.

References are ordered alphabetically by the first author separated by a semicolon. References include the surname of the author and date of publication only. For example: (Author, 2000). In case of two authors: the surname of both authors is stated. For example: (Author 1; Author 2, 2000).

In case of three or more authors add„et al.“ after the first author’s surname: (Author 1  et al., 2000). Journals’ and books’ titles in the original languages must be typed in Latin letters without translation into English.

Journals’ and books’ titles in the original languages must be typed in Latin letters without translation into English.

List of references shall be drawn up under one of the most widespread international standards АРА (Americfn Psychological Association (APA) Style).

Information about international standard APA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style) is available at NBUV’s website: Also see:

APA Citation Style (

Citing can be done in APA style using website of online automatic formation of references::

Samples of execution of citations in APA style:

Illustrations (figures, graphics, and pictures) must be inserted in a text, suitable for corrections or changes, by sizes which correspond to the parameters of the page. Figures are signed and numbered (if they are more than one) under the figure (not on the figure itself), in the center (size 9.5). Pictures and photocopies must be of high quality, suitable for copying.

It is recommended to send files additionally in original format. Color figures will be black-and-white, remember this when explain the legend of the figure.

Tables should be prepared in MS Word. Tables should show lines separating rows and columns. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Basic size of the tables is 9.5. A title is placed in the center of tables (bold type); size of the table titles is 10.5.

Formulas and equations are placed in the middle and numbered in parenthesis on the right.

Units. Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.


Number 1 - until 01.02
Number 2 - until 01.05
Number 3 - until 01.08
Number 4 - until 01.11


The publication in the journal is free of charge.