The study is devoted to the analysis of the formation and development of sacred
complexes as outposts of defense, due to the need to protect monuments of history, architecture,
culture and their restoration. The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of the
formation and development of the three-dimensional structure as a system in the system and to
determine their role as outposts of defense on the basis of historiographical consideration of
the genesis of sacred complexes. Volyn has long attracted the attention of researchers. A large
amount of literature published in Russian and Polish in the 19th and early 20th centuries is
devoted to its history. But in much of these works, historical events are presented from positions
that require critical consideration. It should also be noted that with the importance and
significance of research on sacred complexes conducted in the nineteenth - early twentieth
century, most of them are dominated by description rather than analysis.
Research and detailed measurements of only the most famous ensembles and structures
have been performed. A large number of buildings are represented by schematic measurements
of plans and one of the facades, concluded during the study. According to a number of
monuments known from the literature and archival sources, there are no even schematic
measurements of the plans, and some complexes are not available for research. This condition
complicates the objective comprehensive analysis of monuments, their comparison and
assessment of architectural and artistic value.
The article analyzes the formation and development of sacred complexes as outposts of
defense. The type of sacred buildings, which is characteristic of social relations in the historical
Volhynia region in the period of XV-XVI centuries, is considered. The location of monasteriesfortresses
in a strategically advantageous place has been studied. The peculiarities of the choice
of the place for the construction of sacred complexes as outposts of defense are revealed. A
tendency of gradual transition from irregular to regular defense ensemble planning and the
requirements for the modernization of sacred complexes in order to include them in the defense
system have been clarified. Regularities of formation of three-dimensional structure of
monasteries-fortresses and separate sacred objects adapted for defense are revealed.
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