The article is devoted to the issues of determining the boundaries and modes of use of the zones of protection of immovable monuments of cultural heritage in Ukraine. The urgency of this issue is due to the objective complexity and ambiguity of the subject area, as well as insufficient knowledge of the "material part" among those who practice in this field. The need to take into account not the monument itself, but its territory as a basic factor is emphasized. The peculiarities of defining protection zones of monuments of different types are considered. The error of the discrete approach to the definition of protection zones of each specific monument, regardless of other monuments and their mutual location, is noted. The need for a comprehensive and systematic definition of protection zones for all immovable monuments within the settlement is emphasized.
It is important to emphasize the priority of careful and concrete determination of the modes of use of the territories of the zones of protection of monuments, imposed on them town-planning restrictions and encumbrances. This should be done in accordance with the principle of reasonable sufficiency, avoiding, where possible, bans on any urban planning activity and preferring its clear regulation.
The usefulness for the society of correctly defining the zones of protection of monuments on the basis of a properly verified scientific methodology can be easily diminished. And not just the political situation, but also the petty urban politics of unencumbered people who care only about their own temporary gain, ignoring the catastrophic losses for the nation in the future. Until Ukrainian society learns to recognize such threats and engage experts in combating them, the methods and criteria for defining the boundaries of cultural heritage protection zones will remain at the level of academic exercises that have little to do with reality.
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