: 6-14
Institute for Cultural Heritage

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current situation with the preservation and regeneration of the historic urban environment. The means and procedures used for this are analyzed. It is concluded that this area has significantly degraded over the past 20 years. This manifested itself in the fact that now the historical and architectural reference plan remains in fact the only document that protects the traditional nature of the historic city environment. As a fixation document, not a regulatory one, the historical-architectural reference plan does not actually perform this function. There is a return to the archaic - to an inefficient and long-rejected discrete approach to the protection of each individual monument, which is a fundamental mistake.

The most important practical measures are the development of historical and architectural reference plans and projects of protected areas. They have practical meaning only in a complex and in a single sequence, when the results of the historical and architectural reference plan are embodied in the design of protected areas and research and design documentation to determine the boundaries and modes of use of historic sites. Only a full set of these works, carried out consistently and in a short time (1-2 years), a single interdisciplinary group of experts, can ensure the effectiveness of urban protection of cultural heritage and traditional environment.

In urban planning documentation - master plans and detailed plans of historical cities - historical and architectural reference plans, boundaries of historical areas and protection zones are a basis for project decisions to ensure the protection of immovable cultural heritage, planning and construction.

The practice of urban planning in historic cities poses new challenges, to solve which it is necessary to update the regulatory framework. In this sense, the most difficult group of problems is the identification and preservation of landmarks, ie areas recognized as landscape monuments (so-called cultural landscape), as well as urban monuments. It is also necessary to develop separate regulations (or supplement existing ones) to ensure the preservation of architectural and urban heritage in rural areas and outside settlements, as this issue has its own specifics and today is effectively addressed only in the case of a state historical and cultural reserve.

It is proposed to develop a comprehensive territorial approach to the preservation of the entire immovable cultural heritage of the city and the traditional nature of its environment as a single spatial system.

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