The new hotel building appeared at 9 Mickiewicz Square in Lviv during 2022-2023. It was built on the site of an architectural monument from 1839 – the Hudets house. The author of the Hudetz house project was the Viennese architect Wilhelm Schmidt. The monument was dismantled despite the protests of the Lviv publicity and despite the decision of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Civil Engineering of Ukraine on the expediency for its restoration. In connection with the construction of the hotel, the plans of the city authorities for the construction of an underground parking lot for 40 cars appeared here. This initiative caused great discussions in the circle of preservationists and build specialists. The plot for the construction of the parking lot has a very complex hydrogeological structure, which significantly complicates the construction and can also negatively affect the entire historical environment of the square and the surrounding buildings.
Another feature of the square is the presence of a number of archaeological sites. These are, first of all, the remains of two lines of fortifications - relics of the High Defense Wall of the XIII-XVI centuries (in the vicinity of the square there are the remains of the defensive Riznytska tower and the wall from it to the Bondarska tower) and the remains of the so-called of the "third" defensive belt of the city center (a defensive line erected in 1522-1542 in the form of large artillery basteyas and bastions; the bastions were connected to each other by a rampart with a wall). These two defensive lines had their own ditches filled with water. In the 17th-18th centuries, when the fortification function expired, houses of various purposes began to be added to the defensive walls. Their remains may also be present in the underground space of the square.
The purpose of this publication is to show which objects of archaeological heritage are under the square, and to point out the value of these relics for the history of Lviv. The discovery and archaeological exposition of these monuments will make it impossible to build an underground parking lot here.
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