: 108-127
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

Based on the results of scientific expeditions and field surveys, the article examines the problems of construction dating, functioning efficiency, localization and identification of structures and fortifications, the planning and spatial structure of the Stratyn city fortifications. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that, apart from the reports of four scientific expeditions, no full-fledged scientific article was devoted to Stratyn's city fortifications. The study, based on the analysis of historical sources and the military-political situation, puts forward an assumption about the period of construction of city fortifications and their role in the Polish-Turkish wars of the 1670s. Based on the analysis of cartographic sources and field surveys, an analysis of the planning structure was carried out, the location was determined and fortification structures and fortifications were identified. On the basis of the analysis of the fortification and technological features of the preserved fragments of ramparts, ditches and sites of buildings, it was concluded that the Stratyn city fortifications belong to the bastion defense system common in the western Ukrainian lands.

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