The aim of the work was to preserve for future generations of researchers and archaeologists the remains of the defensive belt that protected the town in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries from Turkish-Tatar invasions, as at that time Berezhany's fortifications were the most powerful in Opillya.
To achieve the desired result, the maps of Major Johann von Fürstenhoff (1720) and Captain de Pyrch (1755) were used, and the map of Friedrich von Mieg (1792) was processed, i.e. the defensive structures built by the owners of Berezhany - the Syniavsky family in the eighteenth century - were considered, with their superimposition on a modern map.
Fragments of defensive ramparts and ditches that remained after the demolition of the city's fortifications by the Austrian authorities in 1809 and 1812 are studied. Their locations on the streets of the city with their current names are identified and their connection to the numbering of the houses opposite which the former defensive ramparts and bastions are visible. The article also mentions the project by M. Haida and L. Hornytska to preserve the remains of the northeastern bastion around the castle fortress, which was not developed by the owners of the former furniture factory (now a restaurant, hotel, and shopping centre) where it is located.
The problems of preserving defensive structures were studied and proposals for their preservation were considered. The most acute problem with the protection of our history's monuments is the control of state bodies over their preservation, and the lack of funds for their maintenance, conservation, restoration and restoration in the context of a hybrid war. The author suggests issues and problems that should be taken into account by urban self-government communities when writing strategies for the future to preserve unique and rare monuments of the past.
Maciszewski, M., 1911. Brzeżany w czasach Rzeczypospolitej połskiej. Brody.
Ostrowski, J., red., 2007. Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. T. 15: Kosciоły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego. Kraków.
Tykhyi, B., 2007. Problems of protection and practical preservation of architectural monuments of small historical towns in the western region of Ukraine. Mali mista na istorychniy mapi Ukrayiny: problemy zberezhennya istoryko-arkhitekturnoyi spadshchyny. Collection. of science works. Uman: REC "Sofia".