As based on the legacy of Ukrainian philosophers of 1830s–1950s specific features of interaction between aforesaid elements of the title during analysis of the idea of God and the system of His names in relation to the idea of truth and completeness of (inter)religious communications have been discussed for the first time. The system of such interactions results from particular properties of tempo-rhythmical manifestations in (inter)religious communications and interdisciplinary space.
Harmony of the complex of processes arises with complementary participation of a number of ratios and models as well as the use of certain principles (gradual perception of a different religious doctrine, integrity, independent development and spiritual changes, unity, invariance etc).
A certain harmonization of analytical and synthetic thinking at different stages of historical development of religious systems is affirmed, at least starting from pantheistic beliefs when an act of philosophical and historical cognition was stipulated by an act of faith.
Philosophic and religious occurs at the intersection of elements of moral philosophy, metaphysics and “divine dialectics”. Moreover, due to a simultaneous complex manifestation of several processes such an intersection acquires a natural interdependence, interconnection and thus – regularity. The idea of inevitable harmonization of rational and irrational under favourable historical circumstances is implicitly asserted. In such instance the truth and the moral are interconditioned by the native divine state regardless of religious affiliation. The concept “native image of God” has no single interpretation in various contexts, instead the concept of “native and national” becomes an absolute.
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