V. Petriv's Theoretical Thoughts on Organizing and Exhibiting Documents and Exhibits in the ukrainian archives museum at the institute of social studies in Prague

: pp. 49 - 52
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

The analysis of these sources and professional literature in the article attempts to highlight the theoretical views of the famous military leader, General cornet V. Petriw, plan on ordering and exhibiting documents and exhibits in the National Museum Archives at Hromadoznavstva Institute in Prague. Particular attention is focused on the problem of preserving the achievements of Ukrainian history and culture in exile. Thus, in Prague in 1923, the Institute was Hromadoznavstva shutter National Museum archive to preserve and protection of monuments of great historical value. In the operation of the museum’s archive, the urgent question was making clear structure methods for collecting and organizing documents and museum exhibits. To address this issue, on the initiative of the Director Museum Archives

M. Galan, a commission was established, composed of V. Petriw entered. In the theoretical work, the military identified the main task of the main Ukrainian National Museum Archives, which was to organize the collection and storage of Ukrainian historical monuments abroad and completing his documentary collections, V. Petriw in his theoretical development plan submitted organize and exhibiting historical materials. The basis of the grouping of the collected sites, it is proposed to employ chronologically problematic principle that all accumulation of materials on the history of the national revolution of 1917–1921 had to be grouped according to time and their accessories. Another important area of work in the protection of the past defined the theoretical description and comparison of the accumulated separately and distributed material, the final step is to display in the museum.

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