Historical, cultural and ethno-national in philosophical and religious ideas

: pp. 105 - 109
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Zynovij Timenyk. Historical, Cultural and Ethno-National in the Philosophical-Religious Ideas: From the Tempo- Rhythmic Innovations

On the basis of heritage of Ukrainian thinkers of 40th XIX c. — 70th XX c. the historical, cultural and ethno-national tempo-rhythm in the context of interreligious communications of interdisciplinary sphere is analyzed. The object of the research is the idea of God in the structure of a human being and the world, the idea of truth and plenitude of interreligious communications.

Historiosophical cuttings are made on the basis of Pagan and Christian interspaces of the spiritual and cultural being of the Ukrainian ethno-nation. The author uses the principles of graduality-continuity, wholeness, harmony and synthesis and also the relations, among them: God-Man-God, God-Man-Native Language-Cosmism-God. There are involved several models such as man-creature, awakeness-observation-intuition-cognition and so on. Taking into the consideration the historical circumstances the topic of article in the analyzed texts is investigated partially.

The author finds out that historical and cultural heritage depends on ethno-national processes. From the innovative point of view there is historical law of wholeness and harmony of processes in the philosophical-religious ideas.

Rationalization is provided for the ideas of consistent harmonization of a set of processes.

Interdependence of Historical, Cultural and Ethno-National acknowledgement factors in functioning of the researched ideas as based on the works of Ukrainian thinkers of 40th XIX c. — 70th XX c. has been outlined for having emerged in (inter)religious communication and interdisciplinary environment.the first time.

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