: 73-79
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Rus temples in XI–XIV centuries are representatives of cities and urban culture. An important element of their ornamentation was multicolored glazed ceramic tiles. They were used at the beginning of the temple buildings in Ukraine. During a long-lasting existence the floor in the temples was repeatedly replaced. The temple architecture in Volyn traditionally imitated into Kiev one, but there were also strong influences of the West. The formats of floor tiles undergo various changes during the XI–XIV centuries. Decorative ornamentation of the floors in Volyn temples attracted the attention of researches from the first excavations conducted in 1886 in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. However, the floors of the church of St. John the Theologian in Lutsk is the most explored because of M. Maliewska’s excavations. Archaeological excavations in the towns of Volyn indicate a significant spread of ceramic claddings. This type of flooring with tiles of non-standard shape on the territory of Volyn is best represented on the Pinsk, Busk and Peresopnytsia detynet’s. In the XIV century relief tiles were started to be used in Volodymyr and Lutches’k because of influences from the West. Due to decline of the Galіcian-Volyn’s state the tradition of using colored tiles in temples gradually decreased. A numerous summary of archaeological material in the article indicate on the complex history of this type of temple decoration, which should be explored in more details.

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