The characteristic features of coherent (quasi-coherent) and incoherent accumulation and detection of signals received from the radio air (reflected from a passive dynamic target) are considered, which are an additive mixture of a useful component and a possible "noise-like" interference with the added "own" noise of the receiving path in airborne mobile pulse radars air base. It is assumed that the random components of the input signal are adequately described by a normal (or close to it) distribution law, and the signal (during the accumulation interval) is harmonic, the period of which is uniquely related to the Doppler frequency shift in the received signal. Necessary and sufficient conditions for coherent (quasi-coherent) and incoherent effective signal accumulation are formulated, analytical and graphical dependencies are given for determining the output ratio "signal /(noise+interference)" at different multiplicities of coherent and incoherent accumulation in both time and spectral domains. A mathematical model based on the system modeling package "System View" was developed and investigated, which demonstrates, by means of adequate simulation and statistical averaging, the peculiarities and quantitative differences of the results of coherent and incoherent accumulations at various, in particular low, but practically significant, input ratios "signal /( noise+interference)", as well as from the multiplicity of accumulation, that is, the number of received signals during the permissible interval of accumulation.
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