In the article, the need for further development of the state is directly related to: solving issues of increasing defense capability and information security; development of information and intelligent systems. The necessity of ensuring the required level of completeness of information, compliance with the requirements of its relevance, achievement and maintenance of the appropriate level of integrity, accessibility and confidentiality is substantiated. The article emphasizes that for this purpose, complex systems of coding and information protection are being built. It is shown that recently, in order to further increase the level of security of information resources, methods of hidden embedding of information have been used. In this field of scientific and applied research, the direction of timely delivery of integral video information in a secure mode is outlined. For protection, the following can be used: meta-messages, which are formed on the basis of intelligent analysis of video frames; separate video segments of aerial photographs containing the most important information for decision-making. This article examines a class of methods of steganographic transformations, which are associated with embedding messages in digital containers, which are formed by a stream of video segments (VS). However, existing steganographic systems are based mainly on the use of the amount of psychovisual (PSV) redundancy available for reduction. Therefore, an increase in steganographic capacity leads to a loss of integrity and efficiency of delivery of video-container information. Steganocompression coding in the stegano-polyadic basis was created on the basis of taking into account the amount of redundancy permissible for reduction. In this case, in the process of compression of the components of the VS, the direct embedding of hidden information is organized. Concealment of information is carried out by technological stages, depending on the compression transformation of the transitional syntax of the quilted sequence. The key stage is the technology of two-stage implementation of the elements of the concealed message added to the stegano sequences to the syntax of the steganocompression representation of the BC components.
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