Chebyshev conformal projection of the meridional zone of the Earth's ellipsoid

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The general formula of the logarithm of natural scale on the axial meridian of the conformal projection of the meridional zone of the earth ellipsoid is obtained as a function of scale at an arbitrary point (at the same latitude).

1.    Morozov V. P. Kurs sferoidicheskoj geodezii. M., «Nedra», 1969.
2.    Urmaev N. A. Sferoidicheskaja geodezija. M., Red.-izd. otdel VTS, 1955.
3.    Chebyshev P. L. O postroenii geograficheskih kart. Poli. sobr. soch. T. 5. M.-L., Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1951.