On the transmission of astronomical coordinates using the measurement of azimuths and zenith distances

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The possibility of transferring astronomical coordinates with the help of zenith distances and azimuths is investigated. It is assumed that the azimuths are measured by hydrotheodolite. Advantageous direction of the running line coincides with the meridian. In this case, the latitudes are 1.5-2 times coarser than the zenith distances, and the longitudes are 1.5-2 times coarser than the measured azimuths.

1. Eremeev V. F., Jurkina M. I. Nekotorye voprosy obrabotki prostranvennyh setej. - "Tr. CNIIGAiK" 1966, vyp. 171, s. 8-10