The technique of processing leveling kinematical of networks allowing partially to neutralize of influence of the minor factors (anthropogenous, temperature, hydrological) on final results of processing of measurements is developed. The executed researches have allowed essentially to improve and to expand opportunities of a technique of processing leveling kinematical of networks.
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2. Tretiak K.R. Porivniannia efektyvnosti dvokh metodiv obrobky vysotnykh kinematychnykh merezh // Visn. Rivnensk. derzh. tekhn. un-tu. - Rivne, 2001. - № 1(8). — S. 247 - 257.
3. Tretiak K.R. Teoretychne obhruntuvannia metodyky obrobky vysotnykh kinematychnykh merezh / Zbirn. nauk. pr. Zakhidn. heodezychn. tov-va (Prysviachenyi profesiinomu sviatu pratsivnykiv heolohii, heodezii i kartohrafii ta 10-y richnytsi z dnia utvorennia Zakhidnoho heodezychnoho tovarystva). - Lviv: Liha-Pres, 2002. - S. 100- 103.