The role of existing data in the process of creating a database on the example of the household register

Akademia Rolnicza w Krakowie

The paper presents lead of existing data in the trail of the creation of data systems and the database. Prosperously to initiate the project to the work which consists in constant converting given - one ought effectively to use thrown open information, possibly least interfering in their structure. There will cause this the height of the certainty working and his failure-freeness. The example explains how important is the regard of existing data structures on the stage of projecting of the computer application. Dividing of the analytic part from tables with given lets on using and the transformation common data again. Creating such modular structure one grows larger the effectively of the composition both from the side of working of the program (the damage of the single module does not suspend the work others) and storing data (every used information is in many modules).

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