European cultural landscapes are endangered. Numerous initiatives, supported by the Council of Europe, have been recently undertaken aimed at the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, which has been drawn up to protect not only the most valuable landscapes of our continent but also the landscapes of our everyday life which reflect our contemporary culture. The authors of this work outline и possible approach to cultural landscape protection, which can (hen form the basis for their active protection.
- Schmid (і in.). 2004. Kulturlandchaftsprojekl Ostthüringen. Historisch geprägte Kulturlandschaften und spezifische Landschaftsbilder in Ostthüringen Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag der Regionalen Planungsgemeinschaft Ostthüringen FH Erfurt, Fachbereich Landschaftsarchitektur, Erfurt im Dezember 2004.
- Spiegier, Dower. 2006 Landscape Identification. A Guide To Good Practice. European Council for the Village and Small Town ECO VAST. Wien / Cheltenham