The main reasons for the changes of lands that are systematically exposed to natural disasters and monitoring tasks for their assessment and prevention of their negative effects are considered.
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- Shobotov V. M. Cyvil'na oborona: navch. posibnyk: Vyd. 2-ge, pererob. [Civil defense: teach. guide type. 2nd, overhauls] Kyiv: Centr navchal'noi' literatury [textbooks Center], 2006, 438 p.
- Informacija pro stan rozvytku za 10 misjaciv 2010 r. ta mozhlyvist' projavu nebezpechnyh suchasnyh ekzogennyh procesiv na osinnje-zymovyj period 2010–2011 roky na terytorii' Chernivec'koi' oblasti [Information on the status of the 10 months in 2010 and the possibility of dangerous manifestation of modern exogenous processes for autumn-winter 2010-2011 in the Chernivtsi region].// Upravlinnja ekologii' ta pryrodnih resursiv Chernivec'koi' oblasti [Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Chernivtsi region.]