It is considered one of the most important problem of modern cartography – the integration of various cartographic products into one information system in compliance with INSPIRE requirements and described important role of geodesic sphere in the performance of this integration. Basic rules of integration of geodata users are given and the importance of cadastral data for GIS is underlined. It is emphasized that definition of the reference layer (orthophoto) must comply with ISO standards. More attention must be paid to the uniform presentation of geodata for users within one coherent environment.
- Grosso E. Conception d'un service de recalage de données anciennes dans un référentiel récent / Direction : Alain Bouju – L3i – Université La Rochelle Encadrement : Sébastien Mustière – COGIT – IGN [Електронний ресурс] / Спосіб доступу: URL: Grosso.
- Charvat K. Kocab M., Konecny M., Kubíček, P. Geografická data v informační společnosti. Zdiby : VÚGTK, 2007. – 268 s. ISBN 978-80-85881-28-8.
- Kocáb M. Data Protection Environment and the Cadastre – Données de Protection d'Environnement et le Cadastre, FIG Working Week 2012, Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritage, Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012 : TS03H – Francophone Session II, 6081. – Roma, 2012. – 6 p. [Електронний ресурс] / Спосіб доступу: URL:
- Kocáb M. Geographical Information Systems and Cadaster of Real Estates // 50 years of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography : Jubilee Proceedings 1954-2004. Zdiby – Prague : VÚGTK, 2005. – S. 151-160. ISBN 80-85881-223-3.
- Kocab M. La reconstruction des limites de propriétés en République tchèque après la Révolution de Velours // GéoCongrès Conference, Québec City, October 2-5, 2007 [Електронний ресурс] / Спосіб доступу: URL:
- Kocab M. New Technologies of Measurement and Role of Field Sketches. 5 p. In 2nd FIG Regional Konference Marrakech, Morocco, December 2-5, 2003. Urban-rural interrelationship for sustanaible environment : Proceedings. ISBN 87-90907-28-0 [Електронний ресурс] / Спосіб доступу: URL: pub/morocco/proceedings/TS12/TS12_4_kocab.pdf.
- Kocáb M. Transformation du cadastre fonciér en République Tchéque en forme digital // Harts, Ottens, Scholten (ed.). Proceedings of Fifth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems EGIS/MARI ’94 Conference, Paris, France 29.3.1994. – Vol. 2. -Utrecht/Amsterdam : European GIS Foundation, 1994. – S. 1540-1547.
- Kocáb, M., Bumba, J. Geometrický plán: Příručka pro vyhotovitele i uživatelé. – 2. doplněné a přepracované vydání. – Praha : Leges, 2011. – 432 s. – ISBN 978-80-87212-82-0.