Purpose. This study assumed: experimental determination of the accuracy of coordinates of points of the geodetic network dual-frequency GNSS receivers from different manufacturers under different conditions of observations using RTK-technology; study connectivity and receiving a fixed solution RTK mode with extra-long bases (200 km). Methods. To investigate the accuracy of the coordinates in the experimental work were involved six surveying crews ukomplektovuvalysya six receivers of different manufacturers. The choice of observation points was due to those conditions under which, for the most part, performed field mapping, namely, “open horizon”, “loose construction” and “forest park zone”. The observations were made in RTK-mode, and the receiver tuned to receive corrections from the network System.NET. For this purpose, different technologies and mount points that are created in six configurations controllers – automax, nearest, vrs, cn, nz, kv. Results. The results of this study are: the calculated precision RTK observations with different configurations at points HIMV, HRAD, FORT, while in the study did not take the results of one of the two receivers Leica GX 1230GG and receiver GeoMAX; obtained precision coordinate definitions depending on the distances between points of observation points and network System.NET; the analysis of research results connectivity and obtain a fixed solution in RTK mode with extra-long bases (200 km); tested the hypothesis of equality of means for all possible pairs of mean values calculated from measurements of the four configurations removal – automax, nearest, vrs, cn; results of calculations made factual and critical Student’s t test; Scientific novelty. Analyzing the results of the research revealed: the accuracy of the coordinates obtained by receivers under different conditions of observations – different; Studies developed a method of coordinate definitions for different observations using receivers of different manufacturers; symmetric proposed program of observations in order to minimize errors associated with conducting experimental work; observed among the trends in increasing the accuracy of the observations obtained receiver modification GS08; testing the hypothesis made by Student’s test indicates identity with a probability of 99.9% of the results of observations in the measurements capture all configurations for each of the coordinates X, Y, H. The practical significance. The technique can be used when planning inventory satellite surveys. Experimental studies yielded real precision RTK measurements in six configurations removal. Depending on the purpose and the required accuracy RTK work can use different mount points, after agreeing on these issues with the operator GNSS network. If some jobs require precision sufficient for their purpose, you can use the “base” station, placed at a distance of over 100 km from the area of work. When planning a satellite cadastral surveys, if possible, it is necessary to consider the conditions under which observations will be performed, avoiding “problem” areas, because the accuracy of the work will diminish. In such cases it is necessary to combine satellite observations with classical methods for surveying robit.V paper the methodology of experimental studies and observations are different GNSS-receivers in real time at three sites. It is established that the accuracy of the coordinates obtained at the sites of observation is different. To improve the accuracy of the coordinate definitions are advised to avoid unfavorable conditions measurements and advance design methodology for RTK-modern observation satellite receivers. Confirmed the identity of the results of observations of Student’s test.
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- Internet resources network ZAKPOS. – Mode of access: http://http://zakpos.zakgeo.com.ua/. 33 Internet resources network SMARTNET Leica Geosystems – Mode of access: http://smartnet.leicageosystems.us/ coverage_network.cf