Efficiency of application of satellite technology when performing land and cadastral works in settlements

: pp. 90-100
National Technical University of Chernihiv; Lviv Polytechnic National University
National Technical University of Chernihiv

Purpose. The purpose of this work is to study the effectiveness of using satellite technology in real-time kinematics mode for work performed to determine the areas of land of different size within a settlement. Methodology. To realize this рurpose we have conducted experimental research on satellite observation points and triangulation of polygonometry in Chernihiv and the region. During the research it was assumed to get the control coor¬dinates on the basic points from static observation. For basic triangulation points around Chernihiv were selected – Kyiinka (KIIN) Yatsevo (JATS) Glushets (GLUS), where three teams spend the first day of observation in “static” mode for over 4 hours. During this time, the other three teams conducted observations at points of the city polygonometry, each time starting with the hour mode “Fast-Static” and then in RTK-mode. Then rover receivers were set to receive amendments of the network System.NET. For this in the controllers there were created six projects that had a different configuration. The research resulted in modeling of objects of different shapes and sizes. For this, we used a network of urban polihonometry, and triangulation points around Chernihiv, where satellite observations were performed. Nine models of landfills were planned, the areas of which were calculated based on coordinates issued from the catalog coordinates and measured using RTK mode by satellite receivers. The program-methodical complex, developed by scientists of the Scientific and Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, were used for transformation and recreation of coordinates. Results. Coordinates transformation from MSC into SC-63 were completed by the key and formulas, and then transformation of the coordinates x, y in Gauss-Kruger coordinates into geodetic coordinates B, L via formulas was performed. For theoretical defining of area of the ellipsoid site we used method of numerical integration per a contour that is specified by geodetic latitude B and longitude L. In order to reduce errors in cartographic projections in the cities we used the local coordinate system, the mathematical basis of which is Gauss – Kruger projection with a displaced axial meridian. Considering the fact that the distortion in this case will be minimal, calculation of areas of intended object models was carried via the coordinates in the local system. In accordance with our program of satellites observations at the points of polygonometry and triangulation, the measurements were carried out in real time in six different configurations. Based on the analysis of these studies, we analyzed the dependence of the measured areas on modeled land plots by defining coordinates using settelite observations and evaluated the accuracy of such definitions, as well made a conclusion on the possible permissible values of distortions of land areas within the boundaries of a settlement. Scientific novelty. The data of the research again confirm the efficacy of using RTK observations and re-course to a new geodetic framework created on the base of modern measuring GNSS-technology. The feasibility of using the local coordinate system to determine the areas, takes place under certain circumstances, in particular, it is known that the former geodetic networks and networks of thickening were developed with appropriate accuracy for that time base. Clearly, the quality of former networks cannot fully ensure the accuracy of the current work. However, the results of our research of using of points of the network at the local level, such as at the city traverse network of a settlement, when determining the areas of objects with the size up to 800 hectares causes no doubts and meets the requirements of accuracy. The practical significance. Improving the accuracy of coordinate definitions is connected with the introduction of modern,  uncontested satellite technology. Analysis of the study confirms the feasibility of using a local coordinate system while performing work at the local level with the area of up to 1000 hectares object. If it is necessary to define areas of objects larger than 1000 hectares with the accuracy of 50 m2, the satellite methods of measurements should be used, that ensure error of coordinates within 0.005–0.020 m.

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