Purpose. Authenticity of informativeness of public cadastral map of Ukraine is an important component of an open democratic society. It allows to adopt adequate to existing realities administrative decisions of the authorities regarding the development of territories, of certain individuals and legal entities regarding the investments, changes of forms of ownership and intended use of lands and so on. In view of the foregoing, on the basis of the analysis of data of public cadastral map of Ukraine the methodical approaches on eliminating of existing inappropriateness, which was detected on this map, were proposed. Methods. In a basis of executed researches there were the methods of analytical analysis and systemic approach of eliminating the unreliable data regarding the location land plots, accuracy of displaying of their areas and legal status. In particular, made research public cadastral map for west region Ukraine (health resort Shidnytsia) and East (t. Kryvyj Rig). Results. For the part of the land parcel established: realp locations do not meet state as in individual localities and regions; accurate representation area is different; ownership is not establish, land-purpose and order number. For the purpose secified irrelevant improved the methodic of informativeness of public cadastral map of Ukraine was improved through the appropriate adjustments of existing exchange files, relying on the reliability of cadastral numbers of separate land plots. Scientific novelty. It was proposed to display simultaneously the location of land plot on public cadastral map using the unique cadastral number; the accuracy of representation of the areas of land plots might match the scale of the map, the category of land and the value of the area; the types of ownership should be necessarily presented, otherwise such files should be corrected or canceled. The practical significance. Theoretical researches and practical recommendations will allow to improve the reliability of data about the land plots, which are in public cadastral map of Ukraine, and that will facilitate the development of territories and improvement of the investment climate.
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