Investigation of the accuracy of plans of Lviv in 1844 and 1932
Received: May 03, 2018
Revised: November 22, 2018
Accepted: December 20, 2018
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of History of Ukraine NASU, Lviv Polytechnic National University; State Research and Production Enterprise "Kartografiya"
Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modeling, Institute of Geodesy, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose of this work is the investigation of the accuracy of plans of Lviv in 1844 and 1931. Methodology. The main criterion for evaluation of the authenticity of ancient maps is the study of their geometric accuracy, which is determined by the magnitudes of errors that arise when measuring lengths, angles, coordinates, and other cartometric attributes. For the investigation of accuracy quantitative method  used direct measurements of the lengths of lines and angles between two directions in the oldert and modern plans and analysis of these measurements based on the statistical theory of errors using the Gauss and Bessel formulas. Results. According to this methodology, for each plan, the mean square error of the distance, the angle of rotation, and the mean square error of the directional angles were determined. These characteristics made it possible to compare the errors of linear and angular variables of two time-varying and multi-scale plans of Lviv to each other and concluded that the plan of Lviv in 1931 is more accurate with respect to the angular measurements. Distortion distances are characteristic for both Lviv’s plans. Nevertheless, there was less relative mean square error is in the plan of 1931, despite its smaller scale. The calculated distortion coefficients of the lengths of lines and the amplitude of fluctuations of the boundary values of the scale denominator make it possible to carry out the analysis of distortion in different parts of the plan and to continue the study of the accuracy of the above-mentioned cartographic materials using graphical research methods that would allow us to evaluate and illustrate spatial variations of errors, as well as to detect and understand the facts and technical aspects of creating these cartographic works. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The determination of the geometric accuracy of the 1844 plans of Lviv, as a tool for scientific research, is relevant since it enables us to evaluate the cartographic publication as a result of human activity more objectively and fully. Numerical data obtained during such a research make it possible to compare the cartographic, documentary, and content values of Victorian era maps. The quantitative technique chosen in the study of Lviv's ancient plans, based on direct measurements of the lengths of lines and angles between two directions, made it possible to compare the errors of linear and angular variables of time-varying and multi-scale plans of Lviv. Having been calculated in this research, this methodology can be used to evaluate the accuracy of other plans of Lviv and other Ukrainian cities.

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