Instructions to authors

1. Submission of publication.

2. Requirements for papers.

3. Technical requirements for papers.

4. Examples of bibliography.

5. Citation in the text​

1. Submission of publication.

The Journal submit for publication papers in Ukrainian and English of problematic, general, methodical character, original scientific and practical researches that has never before been published.

Scientific publication in the professional journal “Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography” should take into account the requirements of international scientometric databases (SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) to scientific papers.

Papers submitted in the journal “Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Survey” pass through closed editorial and double blind independent review.

The following documents should submitted to the editorial board: soft copy of a paper, application form filled in by authors , figures in a separate file in jpeg format of 300 dpi and statement (hat the article was not published or submitted for publication in any other domestic and abroad journals)  should be sent to the following e-mail:

2. Requirements for papers.

The main material of the article should have the following elements:

– introduction (problem statement, analysis of recent researches ...)

– aim;

– method;

– results;

– scientific novelty and practical significance;

– conclusions.

The structure of a paper (pages – not numbered!):

  • UDC index (upper left corner of the page);
  • a complete list of (co)authors (initials and surnames, order number on the list and in addition to co-author for correspondence – an asterisk (superscript) – in the second, or following lines;
  • information about (co)authors: footnote (superscript – Arabic numeral and further asterisk for corresponding author) [if there are two or more authors], the place of work, postal address (building, house, street, town, country) for (co)author for correspondence – additionally telephone numbers, fax, e-mail, ORCID (  (obligatory!).
  • title of paper;
  • abstract (one paragraph, from 250 words) – should be structured (logically describe the results in the paper) and must contain the following elements without their explicit allocation: aim, methods, results, scientific novelty, practical significance;
  • keywords (5-12 of certain words and / or in multiple combinations, in which can be a comma);
  • the main text of the paper is placed in two columns of equal width;
  • references (two-column arrangement should be preserved) should be in square brackets [author, year]. In accordance with requirements of SCOPUS and Web of Science it is necessary to submit a complete list of co-authors for each source of reference. Primary sources should be given in the original language.

Requirements for a list of references:

  • volume – at least 13 sources;
  • at least 3 sources in Latin letters on foreign journals with high impact influence, i.e. sources which are in the international scientometric databases;
  • most of the references (including the original foreign sources) must be not older than 2000 year;
  • it is allowed no more than 20% self-referencing on each of the co-authors.
  • List of references should be presented in alphabetical order and provided with subtitle REFERENCES. Each article should mandatory contain list of references!;

  • abstract should be page-wide: a complete list of (co) authors (listed transliterated initials and surnames; corresponding (co)author’s name – asterisk (superscript)), information on (co)authors (transliterated names of organizations and streets), title of an article, abstract  (one paragraph, not less than 250 words) should be structured (consistent with the description of results in the paper) and should contain the following explicitly allocated elements: purpose, methods, results, scientific novelty, practical significance; key words (5–12 individual words and/or phrases, before the list of words it should be printed Key words in Italics);
  • References (REFERENCES) – are listed in alphabetical order




3. Technical requirements for papers.

Materials should be submitted in hard and soft copies in Microsoft Word 2003 – files * .doc (MS Office 2007, 2010 – files * .docx, * .docm – are not accepted).

Article submission guidelines

Page parameters: page size A4; fields: left – 18 mm, right – 25 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 27 mm; header – 20 mm, footer – 1.7 mm.

Title of an article is typed in TNR page-wide (in one column) in the following order:

  • index UDC (page upper left corner) – first line aligned to the left (TNR 12, semi-bold), space before – 0 pt, after – 12 pt.
  • full list of (co)authors in the second line, aligned to the left (TNR 12, in capital letters). Space before – 0 pt, after – 6 pt.
  • information on (co)authors (TNR 9, lowercase letter). Space before block – 0 pt, after – 12 pt.
  • title of an article – aligned to the left (TNR 12, bold, capital letters). Space after – 12 pt.
  • summary – aligned page-wide, TNR 10. Space – 0 pt.
  • words aligned page-wide, TNR 10, plain; before the list it should be written Key words in Italics: division sign –semicolon, no dot at the end of a list. Space after – 12 pt.
  • the main text of the article should be justified and arranged in two columns of equal width, distance between the columns – 0.5 cm. Article text –  TNR 11 pt, spaces – 1.1, lower case letters. Paragraph indentation – 6 mm from the beginning of the line and is the same throughout the paper. Paragraphs should be justified. Paragraphs should not be separated from each other. Titles – TNR 11 pt, bold, lower case letters. No first line indent, centre alignment. From the previous text subtitles should be separated by intervals of 12 pt, from the following – 6 pt.

Tables layout. Tables should give the reader information in clear and intelligible form, should be written in a concise, clear manner and contain minimum information required to illustrate the text. When placing a table on several pages under its continuation/end it should be respectively stated Table 1 Continued/End. Table title and column numbers should be repeated on each page of the table. The table should be printed as close as possible to its first reference in the text. Tables are typed in Microsoft Word. Number of tables: conventional style (TNR, size 11 pt, italics), aligned to the right. Table title: TNR, size 11 pt, bold, centered, space before – 0 pt, after – 6 pt. The text and column headings of the table should be printed using basic font of 10 pt with alignment to the middle of the corresponding column.

Illustrations. Figures and images (raster, black and white, with a resolution lower than 300 dpi) should be inserted in the text. Illustrations are provided as separate JPEG, TIFF files. The first references to an illustration in the text should usually directly precede this illustration or, at least, be placed as close as possible to the figure. Usually the references are given in the following form: ... As shown in Fig. 1 or ... The diagram (Fig. 1) shows ... When you repeat references to the illustration in the text it should be printed as (see Fig. 1). Title of figure should be out of figure, spacing before and after – 6 pt, typed in TNR 10 pt, italics, lower case letters, centered.

Formulas layout. To type formulas one should use the built-in equation editor Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType 5. Formulas should be placed in separate lines in the middle of column. If formula is simple, not long and is not referencesd in the text further, it can be placed inside the text lines. As an exception, it is allowed only for long formulas (which cannot be divided into parts) to be placed page-wide but not in two columns. Arabic numbers in parentheses indicate the sequence number of formula in the article. It should be right-side in the same line as the numbered formula.

If formula is multiline, the number should correspond with the last line of the formula. Before and after the formula – the interval of 6 pt.

The general guidelines: 1. The figures in the formulas are printed in regular font; 2. Letter notation of values (symbols), for which the letters of the Latin alphabet are used should be printed in italics;
3. Contracted mathematical terms (eg, sin, arcsin, lg, lim, const, max) are printed in regular font;
4. Abbreviated names of physical and technical units, metric weights and their derivatives are printed in regular font, without dots, for example: 12 km; 5. Contraction in indexes are printed in regular font, for example: Lflt (i.e/ L of flight); If index is a symbol of magnitude, it is printed in italics, for example: (x – coordinate); 6. Units of measurement should not be identified along with formula that reflects relationship between variables or between their numerical values in the form of letters. The following parameters should be set in the equation editor –dimensions: overall – 11 pt, large indices – 8 pt, small indices – 6 pt, big characters – 17 pt, small characters – 11 pt; style: function text, variables, matrix-vector, digits –TNR fontR, for the rest of styles – Symbol font.

References (double column structure of a paper is preserved). A list of sources should be placed in the alphabetical order and provided with the subtitle REFERENCES. Font – TNR 10 pt, in capital letters, separated from the main text and the list of references by spaces: before 12 pt,
after 6 pt. It should be in the middle of a column. Each article should mandatory contain list of references!

Below the following is given in column:

  • a full list of (co)authors, information on (co)authors, title, abstract, keywords
  • block in Ukrainian: a full list of (co)authors, information on the (co)authors, title, abstract, keywords – format requirements coincides with that for the paper title.


4. Examples of bibliography

ARTICLE in the journal, the newspaper: one author 

Ku, G. (2008). Learning to de-escalate: The effects of regret in escalation of commitment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes105(2), 221-232. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2007.08.002

 Two authors

Sanchez, D., & King-Toler, E. (2007). Addressing disparities consultation and outreach strategies for university settings. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research59(4), 286-295. doi:10.1037/1065- 9293.59.4.286

 More than two authors

Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, followership, and evolution: Some lessons from the past. American Psychologist63(3), 182-196. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.63.3.182

No author

Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). (2003). Springfield, MA: Merriam- Webster.

One author

Kidder, T. (1981). The soul of a new machine. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Company.

Two authors

Frank, R. H., & Bernanke, B. (2007). Principles of macro-economics (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Group of authors

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2000). Tasmanian year book 2000 (No. 1301.6). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author. Retrieved from $File/13016_2000.pdf

1-7 authors:

Hubbard, R. G., Koehn, M. F., Omstein, S. I., Audendrode, M. V., & Royer, J. (2010). The mutual fund industry: Competition and investor welfare.New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

8 or more authors:

Zinn, H., Konopacki, M., Buhle, P., Watkins, J. E., Mills, S., Mullins, J. W. ... Komisar, R. (2008). A people`s history of American empire: A graphic adaptation. New York, NY: Metropolitan Books.

Organization as an author:

Реасе Согрs. (2006). А life inspired. Washington,   DС: Аuthог.

Part of the book:

Grosman, D. (2009). Writing in the dark. Іп Т. Моггіsоп (Еd.), Виrп this Ьоок (рр. 22-32). New York, NY: НагрегСоІІіns РиЬІіshers.

Multi-volume publications:

Milton, J. (1847). The prose works of John Milton (Vol. 1-2). Philadelphia, PA: John W. Moore.

Multi-volume editions (separate volume):

Niehuis, S. (2008). Dating. In J. T. Sears (Ed.), The Greenwood encyclopedia of love (Vol. 6, pp. 57-­60). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

The book is edited

Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (2001). Children of color: Psychological interventions with culturally diverse youth. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.



Young, R. F. (2007). Crossing boundaries in urban ecology: Pathways to sustainable cities (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (UMI No. 327681)

Materials of conferences

Josang, A., Maseng, T., & Knapskog, S. J. (Eds.). (2009). Identity and privacy in the Internet age, 14th Nordic conference on secure IT systems, NordSec 2009. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Berlin.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2005). Medicaid drug price comparisons: Average manufacturer price to published prices (OIG publication No. OEI-05-05- 00240). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from

Laws, statutes, orders:

Law of Ukraine. On Land Protection. 962-IV  § section II article 6 (2003).


Le Van Meautte, V. (2003). U.S. Patent No. 6,601,955. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Matіko, H. (1999). Patent of Ukraine 26933. Kyiv: State Patent Office of Ukraine

Electronic resources:

Ingwersen, P. (1992). Information retrieval interaction. Retrieved from

Muses, C. A. (Ed.). (1961). Esoteric teachings of the Tibetan Tantra. Retrieved from


5. Citation in the text

Inline text link without quotes

one author: (Beckman, 2011)

two authors: (Alekhin & Shagrova, 2009) or (Alekhin and Shagrova, 2009)

3-5 authors: first cited: (Dobrynyn, Vendelshteyn & Kozhevnykov, 2004) or (Dobrynyn, Vendelshteyn and Kozhevnykov, 2004)

                with repeated citation: (Dobrynyn et al., 2004) or Dobrynyn et al. (2004)

6 authors and more: (Rusov et al., 2014)

for several works by different authors at the same time: (Alekhin, 2004; Beckman, 2011)

Inline text link with quote inside the line

Wordsworth (2006) stated that romantic poetry was marked as a "spontaneous overflow of strong feelings" (p. 263).

Romantic poetry characterized by "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth, 2006, p. 263).



The Editorial Board kindly asks authors to comply with the above recommendations to paper submission.


of the author submitting an article to the journal “Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Photography”


Full Name:

Academic degree


Academic rank




Place of work


Address, ZIP Code


Phone, fax




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