Aim. The influence of junction elasticity of unbalance vibration exciter with asynchronous electric drive rotor on oscillating processes in drive of the vibration machine for improving its dynamic characteristics is investigated. Method. Methods of applied theory of oscillations, the approach of vibration mechanics and method of direct division of movements were used for analytical investigations. Simulation of the vibration machine start process was based on the numerical integration of differential equations of motion of a mechanical vibrational system and a dynamical model of an asynchronous electric motor using the Maple software product. Results. In scientific work it was shown that the presence of an elastic junction brings essential features in the vibration machine dynamics and that should be taken into account in their constructional design. Formulas that allow estimating the amplitude of starting strains and the magnitude of the moment that occurs in the drive are obtained. It is shown that amplitude of oscillation of the drive at the moment of start of the vibration machine mainly depends on the distance of its own frequency from the frequency of the current in the power supply of the electric drive. It was obtained the equation of torsional oscillations of the drive near stationary rotational modes of unbalanced drive (which, incl., takes into account the case of "jamming" of the speed of the electric drive in the zone of resonant frequencies of the vibration machine). Existing interconnection of oscillations of the carrier system of the vibrating machine and the drive is revealed. It is stated that during the start of vibration machines when the effect of Sommerfeld occurs, except for the resonant growth of the brake vibration moment and "jamming" of the speed of the electric drive, resonant oscillations of elastic damping elements (connecting the rotors of the engine and the exciter which increase the dynamic load and energy losses in the system) excite. Scientific novelty. The theoretical positions of the start-up dynamics of vibration machine with inertia drive, taking into account the elasticity of the junction of the rotors of the electric drive of limited power and unbalanced vibration exciter were further developed. It is stated that in case of presence of elastic element in drive of vibration machine, to its critical frequencies, the frequencies of the vibration machine’s own oscillations and current frequency in the power supply of the electric drive are added. Practical significance. The results of the scientific work allow choosing the parameters of vibrating machines with an unbalanced drive more reasonably which will reduce the amplitudes of its oscillations and dynamic loads.
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