Aim. Substantiation of the optimum pressure value of the supporting gas medium, which will ensure the minimum leakage of the liquid medium through the joint of the valve seal. Method. As the research object the Electric hydro-pneumatic two-way valve (EHTV) has been chosen. The force factors caused by the action of the sub-valve pressure, the super-valve pressure and the force of the drive spring are determined. Taking into account the complexity of the computational determination of these environmental influences, the method of experimental determination of the total sealing force of the valve seal is developed. This technique was developed for both viscous and molecular leakage modes of the sealed medium. Using the determined sealing force of the valve seal, a series of experimental tests of the EHTV for the ability to seal the fluid medium at variable supporting gas medium pressure values. Results. The dependence of the optimal value of the gas medium backpressure on the complex of the design parameters of the valve seal, as well as on the stressed deformed state of the contacting elements of the seal, is determined. An expression was obtained which determines the optimal value of the gas backpressure. Convergence of experimental results and calculated values of the microchannel equivalent hydraulic diameter indicates the possibility of applying the proposed model of the sealing metal-polymer valve seals process to ensure their operational efficiency. Scientific novelty. The proposed valve seal sealing model and the method of testing for tightness guarantees minimum leakage through such seals with high probability. Practical significance. The results of the studies allows to determine capillary pressure at the junction of the sealing surfaces of the seals, as well as to determine the equivalent hydraulic diameter of the microchannel through which leaks of the sealed medium occur.
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