Goal. To determine the optimal parameters of various types of pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage, which is used in the control systems of the electromagnetic vibration drive to create resonant vibrating machines and control the parameters of the working body of the vibrating machine in the resonant mode. Method. The work is based on the analysis of the spectrum of the main three forms of PWM signals in their low-frequency region, to which the oscillating mechanical system of vibrating machines responds. To estimate the PWM-encoded sine wave corresponding to the resonant frequency of the vibrating machine, the mean square deviation was used in the time domain, and the nonlinear distortion coefficient (harmonic) was used in the spectral domain. Results. The results. A mathematical apparatus was built and a connection was established between the oscillating mechanical system of the vibrating machine, the external PWM parameters and the characteristics of the sinusoidal signal encoded by it in the time and spectral domains. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a mathematical model was obtained and the influence of the parameters of the oscillating mechanical system of the vibrating machine and the carrier frequency of the pulse-width modulated voltage on the root-mean-square deviation and the coefficient of nonlinear distortions (harmonics) of the signal feeding the electromagnetic vibration drive was simulated. Practical significance. A technique for calculating the carrier frequency of the PWM sinusoidal voltage is proposed, which can be used to develop an algorithm for controlling power switches (transistors) and choosing the type of power switches at the stage of designing the power part of control systems with an electromagnetic vibration drive of controlled and adaptive vibration machines.
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