Experimental studies of the temperature dependence of Raman frequencies for Al2O3

: pp. 94-98
Lviv Politecnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Politecnic National University

On the basis of Raman known at present are two ways to measure temperature. The first and most more common method of measuring temperature by Raman intensity is dependent stokes and antistokes Raman component. This method is relatively simple to implement, since change with temperature integrated area antistokes and stokes component. This method of temperature measurement by Raman has good sensitivity and accuracy, but has several significant drawbacks. The main drawback is a methodological error that occurs as a result of determining the area of integrated antistokes and Stokes components. Spectrophotometer to measure consistently first Stokes then antistokes component of Raman spectroscopy, the measurement time of stokes components of the object and is heated by laser heating antistokes components that it leads to error. Another way is to measure the frequency shift Raman. To measure the temperature shift frequency Raman enough to determine just antistokes component Raman spectroscopy. To measure the temperature shift frequency Raman frequency is not appropriate to use a spectrophotometer and spectrum analyser. The peculiarity of the spectrum analyser is that it measures only antistokes component, and the full range of a whole, not just a stepping stone that can reduce the methodological error. Also unconditional significant advantage of this method within the temperature measurement by Raman is speed. By comparison when measuring the temperature integrated area ratio of the maximum speed is 13 seconds, and the Raman shift frequency of 1 second. By reducing the measurement time is reduced further methodological error caused by heating of the object studied laser. Therefore, based on this method conducted research described in the article. The results of experimental studies Raman spectroscopy for Al2O3 in the temperature range of 18 to 70 °C. Each point temperature for 10 implementations derived components range antistokes Raman method of centre of mass calculated value equivalent frequency components antistokes Raman spectroscopy, and the average value of the equivalent frequency components antistokes range and uncertainty determine an equivalent frequency components antistokes. Analytical dependences equivalent frequency components antistokes Raman spectrum of temperature. The dependence of error of approximation of the number of coefficients approximating curve for each of the objects, and certainly the best number of factors. Equipment using experiments were conducted: laser ν = 632,9 nm spectrum analyser MS 3501i, optical circuit using a narrow band filter and prism, studies were conducted under normal conditions.


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