Crosslinking of epoxy-oligoesteric mixtures in the presence of dioxydiphenylpropane diglycidyl ether modified with adipic acid


Michael Bratychak, Olga Zubal, Bogdana Bashta, Ostap Ivashkiv, Olena Shyshchak, Jozef Haponiuk

Michael Bratychak-1, Olga Zubal-1, Bogdana Bashta-2, Ostap Ivashkiv-1, Olena Shyshchak-1, Jozef Haponiuk-3

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University 12, S.Bandery St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
  2. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR Heyrovskeho nam.2, CZ-16206 Praha 6, Czech Republic
  3. Gdansk University of Technology, 11/12 G. Narutowicza St., 80233 Gdansk, Poland

Crosslinking of epoxy-oligoesteric mixtures composed of ED-20 dianic epoxy resin and TGM-3 oligoesteracrylate has been studied in the presence of dioxydiphenylpropane diglycidyl ether modified with adipic acid (DCDER). Crosslinking was carried out at room temperature and while heating at 383, 403 or 423 K using polyethylene polyamine as a hardener. The procedure of DCDER synthesis has been developed. The structural changes were controlled by determining film hardness and gel-fraction content. The chemistry of films formation was confirmed by IR-spectroscopy. 

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