Formation of Elastomeric Composition Properties in the Presence of Bioingredient

: pp. 88 - 100
State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology"
ROSAVA TIERS Limited Liability Company
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology"
State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology"

Peculiarities of formation of technological, vulcanization, dynamic, relaxation, and physicomechanical properties of elastomeric composition used for the tread production have been studied in the presence of bioingredient as a plasticizer-softener. Bioingredient is an organic component of sunflower oil winterization by-product (OSSO product). It was found that the OSSO product increases the cohesive strength of the rubber compound by 1.5 times in comparison with the industrial petrochemical lubricants. Under the same vulcanization conditions, the bioingredient provides 30–40 % higher resistance to reversion and relaxation processes at 373 K, lower dynamic losses, as well a high level of physical and mechanical characteristics.

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