Conversion of C4 Fraction of Hydrocarbon Pyrolysis Products Over ZVM+2 % Zn High-Silica Zeolite Catalyst


Ludmyla Babyak, Olexandra Matsyak and Vasyl Shevchuk

Conversion of C4 fraction of hydrocarbon pyrolysis products over high-silica zeolite catalyst ZVM modified by 2 mas % of Zn within the temperature range of 623–823 K and volumetric flow rates of 1000–10000 h-1 has been investigated. The yield and chemical composition of gaseous and liquid products have been determined under various conditions. It has been shown that the initial fraction is converted almost completely (98–100 %); the yield of C6-C8 lower arenes is 44.2–65.4 % within all investigated ranges of temperature and volumetric flow rates.

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