The influence of model biological medium on the properties and structure of epoxy-polyurethane (EPU) ferrocene compositions has been investigated by physical-mechanical IR-spectroscopic and X-ray methods. It has been established that the EPU compositions biodegrade most intensively after 1 month of incubation, accompanied by a decline in strength at 80–92 % break. According to the IR-spectroscopic studies biodegradation occurs by ester and to a greater extent ether linkages with simultaneous redistribution of hydrogen bonds system, which is associated with structuring of polymer compositions in model biological medium 199 (BM 199). The relaxing nature of structure formation processes in the volume of polymer composites under the influence of BM 199 has been confirmed. According to small-angle X-ray diffraction upon exposure of sample EPU (10.0F) during 6 months in BM 199 the rise of similar microareas of heterogeneity is observed, which may be the result of specific interaction of molecules of enzymes that are presented in BM 199 with urethane and amide EPU groups.
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