Synthesis of fuzzy logic controller of nonlinear dynamic system with variable parameters

: pp. 91-98
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Nonlinear dynamic system with variable coefficients has been considered. For this system, after linearization, a fuzzy controller has been synthesized. Comparison with a traditional controller has been conducted. Corresponding qualitative and quantitative estimates have been provided.

At first, the general approach to the design of controllers of nonlinear systems is described. These theoretical considerations are applied to the design of controllers of linear systems. In this case, the object model is the same in all subsystems of the family. In the case of nonlinear systems, we suggest an approach to the design of controllers that ensures the desired behavior of the system. The paper considers the case when a controller synthesized for one of the subsystems ensures its unstable behavior.

The paper consists of seven sections. In the first section a comparison with existing approaches is done, in the next section a description of the investigated system is given. The third section is devoted to the design of controller that takes into account the nonlinearities of the system, in the fourth section the controller for a linear system with variable parameters is introduces and in the next section a controller of nonlinear system with variable parameters is described. In the sixth section the object that is use as an example in this paper is described. Obtained results are given in the seventh section. The paper ends with conclusions.

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