Determination of cloud cover parameters

: pp. 97-102
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” National Technical University of Ukraine

A methodology for determining the virtual density of clouds, which takes into account both the values of direct and reflected solar radiation, using the method of reverse transformation is given. Beer’s law presented in the paper describes a decrease in the total radiation intensity, calculated per unit of the surface area perpendicular to the direction of radiation distribution. The article considers three cases of a ratio between the linear velocity of clouds and the velocity of the Sun, which is determined by its angular displacement. Each case is supported by an algorithm for the calculation of virtual cloud density, formulas for the computation of solar intensity, cloud projections onto solar panels, and a linear absorption coefficient, whose values are correlated with the cloud density. Using the example of cumulus clouds, two of the set of physical parameters that characterize the state of cloud cover are evaluated. A formula for the calculation of fractal dimension is given. In order to determine whether a solar panel cell is shaded with the presence of haze, an S-curve is used. The two-dimensional discrete Vilenkin-Krestenson transformation with a finite argument is proposed to determine the virtual cloud density. Formulas for direct and reverse Vilenkin-Krestenson transformation are given. Basic functions for symmetric transformation on finite intervals are presented. It is shown that knowing the virtual cloud density and fractal dimension of a cloud cover projection onto the areas of a solar power station allows sections with self-similar properties to be found.

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